Redmond Rock Daily Gold Stress Relief supplement is a great product for horses who undergo stress in their life – could be from going to a show, farrier/vet visit, getting clipped or even having their pasture mates moved to a different area. It comes in a handy 5 pound bag up to a 10 pound bucket and the minerals in the product help settle a horse’s digestive system naturally. We’ve even had a few customers in the store mention that it has helped with random bouts of diarrhea in their horses!
Epsom Salt Poultice, great for muscle, joint and hoof pain. We have 20oz jars and 20oz squeezable bottles in stock. This is a green colored (no worries, it doesn’t stain) gel that you can apply anywhere your horse may have swelling. Great thing about this product is that you can use standing wraps over it and it will not burn or blister skin like other products.
Farrier’s Formula Hoof and Coat Supplement is great for horses needing a boost to build strong hooves while improving hair coat quality through ingredients like yeast and Omega 3 Fatty Acids. We carry the Double Strength formula which lasts twice as long as the Original Formula which means you don’t have to buy it as often. This pelleted product comes in a unique vacuum packed 11 pound “blocks” that you put into your own container at home – helps save $ on having to also buy packaging!
Shoofly Leggins help you “stop the stomp”! They come in a set of four boots, and if used to protect wounds, they are loose fitting to allow air flow to speed healing time. Reduces stressful stomping which leads to hoof damage and leg fatigue -stomping also sometimes loosens the fit of shoes and nobody likes having to search the pasture looking for a lost shoe when the farrier’s on his way!