We’re coming to the time of year to start thinking about deworming our cattle again. Cattle deworming is very important to reduce internal parasites. Internal parasites will lead to reduced performance in cattle. Losses can result from depressed feed intake and conversion, lower average daily gain or milk production and lower reproductive performance. Parasites are also very dangerous for the actual health of the animal which can lead to reduced immunity, reduced weight and overall rough appearance. One effective tool for monitoring parasite loads in cattle is to conduct routine fecal analysis which is a service most veterinary clinics can provide.
To better justify the costs of cattle deworming, it is important to understand when deworming is most effective. Cattle usually get infected with parasites from the pastures they graze. Larvae from worms live and thrive in the pastures and infect cattle when they ingest this grass. Timing is critical for strategic deworming programs. If you effectively deworm cattle in the fall coming off pasture, they should remain clean all winter. Then again at spring pasture turnout, the risk for parasite infection increases.
We feel the most economical and efficient (easiest to use) dewormer is still feed grade Safe-guard TM dewormer. Fenbendazole, the active ingredient in Safe-Guard TM, has been a very effective anthelmintic through the years at controlling the internal parasites that are economically important in this area. Please contact us to talk further about deworming strategies and feeding rates.
Doug Fish