Hopefully by now you know what the title of this article means. VFD (Veterinary Feed Directive) is going to be effective, January 1st, 2017. A few drug categories have already been effected by an earlier ruling but coming into 2017 there is a much larger and more commonly utilized list of drug category’s effected. Some of them are, Neomycin, Lincomycin, Chlortetracycline, Penicillin and Tylsosin. (This is not the complete list)
So what does this mean to you? If you plan to purchase feed or feed products containing any of the drugs in these VFD Categories under VFD Ruling you will need to first get a VFD (Script) from your Veterinarian. Dealers, such as WS Ag Center, Fleet stores and the like will legally not be able to sell you any product without a valid VFD that contains all the necessary information as requested by law. In addition the scripts will be written with specific animal numbers and length of use restrictions for the specific drug prescribed by your veterinarian. VFD’s will need to be kept in your records for a minimum of two years.
If you haven’t already please begin the conversations with your veterinarian regarding the VFD changes and what it will mean to you. Please go to the following government websites for additional information, www.fda.gov/safefeed or AskCVM@fda.hhs.gov. You will also find a complete list of the drug categories there.
I know there is discussion in the field regarding “stocking up” of products that will fall under the VFD Ruling. I caution you to understand that if a Government Official shows up at your farm on January 2nd, 2017 you better be able to show them a valid VFD for the product(s) remaining on your property. Rest assured the government out of the gate will find and make examples of those who choose to ignore this new ruling. Please also understand this doesn’t necessarily just fall on commercial animal producers, some Show Feeds will be effected as well.
If you have additional questions, the team at WS Ag Center or myself will be more than happy to assist you. Remember preparation and awareness goes a long way to making this a smoother transition. Thank you for your continued support of both WS Ag Center and Kent Nutrition Group.
Carol Coulombe, Territory Sales Manager, Kent Nutrition Group