Fungicide Use in Soybeans

             In recent studies, foliar fungicides have been effective in managing many foliar diseases in soybeans and has proven to help increase yield. Over the course of 279 on-farm trials conducted between 2007 and 2014, the average yield increase to foliar fungicide application was 2.6 bu/acre. However fungicides are preventative. Even fungicides that are labeled as curative are unable to recover yield that has already been lost due to diseases damaging your crop. It is important to scout fields to catch any disease early on so we can help you decide the best fungicide application program that is specific to your field.

In warm humid conditions like we have had this year, white mold can be a common disease in our soybean fields. White mold is another disease that requires precise timing for fungicide control. Several foliar fungicides can be effective against white mold as well as other diseases when sufficient quantities of fungicides are applied to lower canopies. In white mold alone, research has shown a positive increase of up to 7 bu/acre when fungicides are applied in correct conditions.

While applying fungicides to soybeans is a new trend in the industry the benefits seem to make a positive impact in yields. Talk to any WS Ag Center consultant to further discuss a fungicide program that will work best for your soybean crop.

-Tom Arndt


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