It is estimated that up to 90% of active horses experience gastric discomfort, affecting health, attitude and performance. Purina® Outlast™ Gastric Support Supplement is the latest innovation from Purina and is part of an overall gastric health program designed to aid equine gastric comfort and support horses that may develop gastric issues. Outlast™ Supplement contains a unique blend of ingredients to support proper pH, giving you and your horse the confidence to perform
Recognize the contributing factors associated with gastric discomfort
Environment and Stress Factors:
- Elevated exercise level and intensity
- Performance and racing
- Hectic training environment
- Nervous disposition
- Trailering
- Lack of turnout
- Lack of direct contact with other horses
- Talk radio vs. music
- Thoroughbred breed
- Previous gastric ulcer diagnosis
Horse Management and Diet Factors:
- Lack of pasture access
- Fasting
- Large meals with high starch content
- More than 6 hours between meals
- Inadequate forage quality and quantity
- Stall kept or on stall rest
- Water deprivation/intermittent access
- Use of paste electrolytes or electrolytes in water
- Use of NSAIDs for a prolonged time
Outlast™ Gastric Support Supplement
- Supports gastric health for optimal Performance
- Designed to support proper pH in stressful situations
- Flexible feeding as a snack or top-dressed