The calving season is rapidly approaching, so it’s time to evaluate the body condition of your beef cows. Beef cow body condition scores describe the relative fat cover of a cow using the 9 point scale (1-9, 1 being the thinnest and 9 being the fattest) to evaluate the nutritional needs of your herd as we prepare for winter feeding strategies.
Cow body condition score is directly related to reproductive efficiency. Cows that are on the bottom 1/3 of this scale (cows that are thinner than usual) will have a tougher time breeding back because of the lack of body fat reserves to pull from during this time of negative energy balance due to raising her calf. First calf heifers also struggle with breed back from time to time because they have more nutritional needs because they are still growing while they are feeding their calves
We have high energy lick tubs available from Kent, Purina and Hubbard which have varying levels of protein and energy and mineral supplementation as well. These tubs have been a very effective, not to mention simple to use, management tool to help maintain body condition on your cows and heifers. Call us or stop in to discuss feeding strategies going into the upcoming calving season to ensure a successful calving season and an efficient breeding season.